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What Industry is Pressure Washing?

The pressure washing industry is worth close to two billion dollars, and if that’s not making you want to dive headfirst into this brave new world then nothing will. It’s becoming increasingly easy to get a piece of this pie, and the fact that it is so huge is definitely helping matters in that regard. However, have you ever stopped to wonder what kind of industry pressure washing actually is? After all, it’s not something that involves manufacturing, it isn’t providing food to people so it’s not part of that industry, and it’s certainly not a field that provides medical services either.

power washing houston

This confusion around the industry categorization for a power washing service houston might seem strange to you due to the reason that you would assume that it doesn’t matter a significant amount, but suffice it to say that it can impact a lot of things such as how these businesses would be taxed. Generally speaking, pressure washing is usually considered part of the sanitation industry, but it is also grouped with sand blasting companies on occasion because they use similar kinds of equipment and sand blasting is usually a logical area for pressure washing companies to expand into while diversifying.

Understanding what the industry classification for pressure washing is can help you see what growth options you have. Stepping into adjacent fields is the best way to keep your company expanding at an exponential rate, and knowing how your business is labeled based on industrial concepts helps you see what your options are. You should always have your cards laid out on the table since this can allow you to make educated decisions about the business you own.